The Insider’s Guide To Digital Marketing

6 min readMay 16, 2021


Have you ever wondered how marketing is related to our day to day lives?

Marketing plays a vital role in our lives. It has a great impact on consumer behavior. Everyday we use products from advertising: from toothpaste to shoes.

But do you think everyone is aware of marketing?


There are thousands of people out there whose lives depend on marketing and still they don’t know that.

Now you must’ve got confused about what I’m trying to say here. Let me explain to you exactly what I’m trying to portray.

We all are aware of street vendors, how they sell their products and how they do marketing.

That’s one kind of marketing, isn’t it

Do you think those people have taken any mastery course in marketing?

Of Course Not, if they would have they would not be here selling on streets.

But without knowing any rules or principles of marketing how do they sell their products?

The answer is simple!

They know their customers. They keep those products which customers use in their daily lives like scarves, rubber-band, socks, masks (very important asset nowadays) and many more.

You won’t see them selling medicines, mobile phones, laptops or gold. Even if they try selling, no one’s gonna buy because some things cannot be sold by vendors and they are aware of this.

Because they know their customers.

Customers! Everything starts from the customers what they want, what they will buy from which place at what price.

That’s the basic rule, principle or law of Marketing.

Understand your audience as much as you can and according to that make your products. After that just try to sell your product with the right message to the right person at the right time. You’ll surely see the good difference in marketing.

Marketing has been going for generations and everytime it gets better and better. But in the past few years Marketing style has changed. Marketing has been divided into two types: Traditional Marketing and Digital Marketing.

But how to know which of my target audience prefers which Marketing medium?

Lets just look into that

What is Traditional marketing ?

Traditional Marketing refers to any type of marketing which isn’t online. That means newspapers, direct mail, Tv ads and outdoor billboards etc. Traditional Marketing Plays an important part to reach local audiences.

Now tell me how many of our parents get updates through online or from social Media’s?

Let me guess only 5 to 10%, right?

But what about the other % of the parents how do they get updates? Mostly by watching TV, reading newspapers or listening to the radio.

Now these are the mid aged and old aged people who prefer traditional over digital.

So if your target audience is mid or old aged people go for traditional Marketing.

But then who mostly prefers Digital Marketing?

Teens, youngsters, or we can say Gen Z!

In the Era of Netflix, amazons and social media. Do you think Gen Z prefers radio ads or newspapers? (Some people might prefer but 90% of us don’t)


But Why not traditional? Because instead of waiting for news to hear from the news channel or print we get the instant notification on phones through news apps or social media. Before Buying any product instead of watching TV ads, we prefer to search online ratings or read some social media influencers review isn’t it?

It all depends on customers and on you which category of audience you are going to target.

I hope by now you understand the power and value of customers.

You might get this question: what if I’m all new to this and want to create My own product and do the marketing. How can I do that? For that we have for you

CATT Marketing Funnel:

You wonder now what is this ?

Well this is the very easy and convenient way to understand your niche and how you can turn your buyers into customers.

Wealth = n(niche)^CATT(Content, Attention, Trust, Transaction)

So before starting your own business first you have to select your niche like what is something in which you have interest, something which you love doing like your forte, something like that so it stands out in the market. That’s how you select your niche.

After selecting a niche, now you start creating content on your niche.

Content is something which you have to create yourself for customers. Something different from others products. Something which can stand out and be unlike all the rest. To let the customer have a clear idea of your product and which makes them buy from you rather than others.

Let me try to explain you by giving an example:

Suppose you select your niche i.e you like creating online courses, but the problem is you’re not the only one who make the online courses there is huge competition out there so what do you do now? You start creating content which will be different from others. Something which has your taste, own creative ideas.

Now you say I have made my niche and content, now how does the customer know about me?

For that Next step is Attention, but how do you gain customers’ attention?

Giving them discounts?

Naah! a very common trick.

So? What’s the exact plan?

How about starting with the one course we give them free and if they love that course they probably try for other paid courses too but because its paid they might try to skip it but what if we give them offer like if they buy the paid course and when they complete that course from that they will receive 10% cashback and certificate (this cashback might be not give us much profit for small picture but if we are looking for bigger picture it will definitely lead us to profit).

Don’t you think this is an amazing way to gain some attention from customers.

Well that will bring us to the next step that is Trust,

After gaining the attention, some might try this and when they will receive the cashback they will start trusting on us don’t they? Trust is the Important asset in any business. Slowly this trust will turn into word of mouth. People advise this to other people and this will lead us to Transaction which is the last step of the funnel.

The way CATT funnel helps us to build our brand just like that, Integrated Digital Marketing also helps us to increase our content and share it on other platforms with the right message at the right time to connect more audiences.

Integrated Digital Marketing is a combination of all the promoting tools that help us to connect more people with the right message in a short span of time.

Till now We learnt so much but still I feel like we are missing something. We almost learned how to build our own product but what if we have to turn that product into personal branding?

Ohh that’s it! This is what we were missing Personal Branding.

Let’s just take insight into it

If you want make your own personal branding then you just have to follow this:

Learn: Try learning new skills. The more you learn the more you feel confident because knowledge is power.

Work: what you learn, try to put that into work by practicing it to the real world or try to teach others because it will clear concepts for you in a better way.

Blog: Try to blog and share it with peers. With blogging you can make your personal writing portfolio and you can find clients for your brand.

Consult: you can try consulting based on your writing portfolio, provide consultancy to customers in your field and be paid for advice.

Mentor: If you like mentoring you can start that with the people who want to be the same path as you are in. It will also make your understanding base strong.

Startups: by following the above steps you think when you are ready now, you can startup build your own brand.

And there you go you made your own personal Brand.

Thankyou for reading such a long article!

Hoping to see you soon.

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